
Monday, 27 November 2017


This week in writing, I practiced writing LPG 1: I know who my audience is. I did this by writing a letter from a perspective of a character.


This was done about 5 months ago but I'm not sure if I posted it. This is
my best current basic facts test score
100% right in 3:07. I was practising math LPG 9-Multiplication and division facts.

Thursday, 26 October 2017


This morning we started learning about oceans.
I found out that Megalodon is 23m long.
Later on, I want to find out more names of prehistoric sea predators.

Thursday, 19 October 2017


This week in writing, I have been working on writing LPG 15: I can include an introduction, a main body (2/3 paragraphs) and a conclusion to structure my writing. I did this by writing a story with paragraphs.


This week in math,  I have been working on math LPG 16: solve multiplication problems using a range of strategies. I did this by practicing square roots.


This week in reading,  I have been working on reading LPG 6: I regularly read longer texts. I did this reading This book, "Eragon".

Thursday, 28 September 2017


This week in reading, I worked on reading LPG 5: I can evaluate and integrate ideas and imformation across a few texts. I did this by making a plan from a written text.