
Thursday 11 May 2017

This week in maths I have been learning groupings within 1 000 in the form of a game called highest number. You draw up a grid, same shape and same size as mine. As you can see, I have a grid. On a grid the "box's" maximum length and height is four "squares." Someone rolls a dice ten times and you put those numbers in your "box". When your "box" is full, you will notice you have four horizontal numbers. Add those up and you will have your total. Your goal could be to get the highest, lowest or closest to a certain number to win.


  1. I like how you got up close to the grid so we can see it

  2. Maybe you should show some more grids

  3. Are you really good at this game?

  4. This is a lovely piece Jacob, clearly written and a picture to support. How often do you play this game? How many people can play at the same time? Are there any other maths games you could recommend and post? From Laura Bull

  5. Average, Jonah
